This Art in the Movies...

by Roy Mackey

     Here are some of the movies and TV productions that my art has been in to date. Having work used in movies and TV is always fun for artists. Not even counting the fact they pay you to use it and then you get your art back!! There is no question that the movie industry benefits a lot of people here in Vancouver. A huge thumbs up to supporting them as they support us with not only jobs and art rentals but entertainment!!! Oh and hey pass the popcorn!!!! I think it has been five to ten productions so far but have to dig out the facts first and when I do will be posting them here. Stay tuned!!

Images etc coming soon...


"Metal and Mixed Media" Nanaimo News Bulletin Aug/10/1998

Nanaimo BC Canada


"Best Seat in the House"   Won Award on radio show for best chair

The Fox CKLG 730  10/98


"Gallery of Art" Spa Synergy - Spring/Summer 96

Vancouver BC Canada

"Art on the Cutting Edge" - Chris Bush

Cover photo and review Island Life, June issue 1996

Nanaimo BC Canada


Roy Mackey - Steel sculptor - Amanda Thompson

Northern Light Oct/23/1995

Powell River BC Canada

"Roy Mackey's Steel Sculpture Has World Watching" - Catherine Litt

Nanaimo News Bulletin  Aug/10/1995

"Portraits" Featured on TV program by Shaw Cable.

The show won an award and was aired internationally

"In The Limelight" - Valley Week

Valley Echo  Jan/25/95



Chek-6 T.V. interview on Nanaimo Report

"Metal Health" - Amanda Thompson

Nanaimo Times Dec/17/1994

"Scrapyard Inspiration" - Glen Olsen British Colombia Report Oct/17/1994

"Former Valley Resident Makes Good on Island Art Scene" - Chris Bush

Mackey's workplace moves from body shop to studio.

The Valley Echo Aug/04/1994 Invermere BC

"Sculptor Tries Hand With Paper"

Nanaimo Daily Free Press  July/14/1994


"Arts Whirld" - John Wilson Nanaimo Magazine 10/93


"Mysticism adds motion to space aged sculpture" - Article by Kevin Dunn for the Valley Echo April/24/1991

"Two Invermere artists' work advances to provincial competition"

Valley Echo Mar/27/1991 Invermere, BC Canada

"Flame Chair" was chosen to be shown at BC's Images and Objects main show. Photo appeared in the Vancouver Sun in conjunction with the show.


"Armchair" was chosen to be shown at BC's Images and Objects main show. There I received an an award of excellence for it along with a cash award along with a framed print by known print maker.